the computer science society

At the University of York

Servers: runciman klaxon latona apollo diana

AGM 2022 Results

14th March, 2022

We had another AGM, and have a new Committee!

The new committee is:

Candidates met on Discord to present their manifesti and take questions from the membership.


Two amendments were presented to the society, both of which were accepted. The passing of an amendment required the support of two-thirds of the members voting. You can learn more about the amendments in the linked GitHub issues.

Committee Election Results

All positions were voted on using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) method, which is equivalent to the Alternative Vote (AV) method for positions with one seat (all positions except Ordinary Members). All positions had the option to Re-Open Nominations (RON). Quorum was 10 based on our membership count at the time, which was achieved for all elections.

Voters were given access to a Google Form for each election, which required them to be signed into their University account, and allowed paid members to cast at most one vote per election. The elections were open for five minutes at a time, then closed to prevent further submissions. The results of the Google Forms were collected into a spreadsheet, which was then used to count the votes manually, or electronically in the case of the Ordinary Member election. Voters' email addresses were compared against a list of HackSoc members, to ensure that all voters were eligible to vote. All votes will later be verified manually.

In case members were unable to vote using the Google Form due to technical difficulties, they were able to give their votes directly to the Returning Officer, who would manually verify their membership and add their vote to the total.


Candidate Votes (Total: 15)
Iris Scoffin 15
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 0


Candidate Votes (Total: 15)
Chester Wringe 15
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 0


Candidate Votes (Total: 14)
Morgan McKay 13
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 1

Social Events Officer

There were no candidates for Social Events Officer, so the role will remain vacant until it is filled at an EGM later in the year.

Press & Publicity Officer

Candidate Votes (Total: 13)
Clara Hohenlohe & Jessica Russell 13
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 0

Academic Events Officer

There were no candidates for Academic Events Officer, so the role will remain vacant until it is filled at an EGM later in the year.

Infrastructure Officer

Candidate Votes (Total: 15)
Adam Birtles 15
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 0

Ordinary Officers

Total Ballots 13
Valid Ballots 13
Spoiled and Empty Ballots 0

Therefore the Droop Quota was 4.

Candidate Name Round 1 Round 2
Ash Holland 12 (Elected)
Daniel Allinson 1 25 (elected)
Re-Open Nominations (RON) 0 0