the computer science society

At the University of York

Servers: runciman klaxon latona apollo diana

Autumn Term Talk Submissions

30th August, 2021

Submissions for our Autumn Term talks are now open!

Do you have a niche interest you enjoy talking about? Then why not come give a talk for us; we welcome a range of topics and would be glad to have you!

The call is for a half hour talk, followed by fifteen minutes of questions. Talks will take place on Thursdays of every week, between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. You don't have to have the talk written already - give us a general idea of what you'd like to talk about, and an abstract.

For the first time since the pandemic began, this term we will be hoping to run a mixture of in-person and online talks! We will allocate a split between talks running on campus in-person, and talks which are pre-recorded and live-streamed using YouTube Premiere. Talks in both formats will be followed by an interactive Q&A!

Please bear in mind that, if the COVID situation worsens such that running in-person talks is not safe, we may have to cancel in-person talks for this term. We are also only currently accepting in-person talk submissions from those who already live close to campus and would not need to travel. See the form linked below for more information.

If you'd like to do a talk, then please sign up with this Google Form!

Submissions will close on the 20th of September.

We'd love to see plenty of interesting submissions!