the computer science society

At the University of York

Servers: runciman klaxon latona apollo diana

HackSoc's IRC Channels Are Moving To libera.chat

25th May, 2021

We're moving!

Due to recent events at Freenode, as summarised here, HackSoc will be moving all its irc channels from Freenode to Libera Chat.

The #hacksoc channel on Libera Chat will be bridged to slack in much the same way as the current Freenode channel is.

cs-york also has a channel on Libera Chat, with the same people as

usually hang out there.

Libera Chat does not yet have a webchat. Update: this is no longer true! You can access the webchat at this link. If you haven't got an irc client, then we recommend using The Lounge. This does not require any special program. If you want an account, please contact us at hack@yusu.org, or poke the infrastructure officer.