AGM Week 5
As you may know, this term we are having our AGM! We need to hold elections, and this is your opportunity to seize power and overthrow the old regime!
The AGM will be immediately followed by HackPub, and is on Friday the 7th of February, at 19:30 in G/001.
To run or vote in elections you need to be a paid member of the society!
The committee positions are as follows:
Chair: organises things, worries about attendance, represents the society where needed. In charge of the society.
Currently done by me (barrucadu)
Secretary: takes minutes at committee meetings, sends emails, books rooms. Second in charge of the society.
Currently done by David (qlkzy)
Treasurer: swindles you out of your membership money, and deposits it with YUSU. Handles grant applications and the like. Third in charge of the society.
Currently done by Andrei (matzipan)
Crockery Officer: cares for and replenishes the society's collection of paper plates, napkins, plastic cups (etc.), and organises and runs regular socials.
Currently done by Lauren (lauren)
Society Crier: helps with advertising the society and its events, and manages the social media presence.
Currently done by Shivam (Speed`)
Ordinary Member: has no special roles, but just generally helps out with the running of the society and events. Can't vote in committee decisions.
Can be held by any number of people
We've started giving Ordinary Members responsibilities, in particular one now maintains the servers. This is optional, but it would be helpful if someone would assume that role.
Furthermore, constitutional amendments can be ratified at the AGM. If you want to propose one, the deadline is NOON on Wednesday the 29th of January.